Is there anything better in life than having some fun?
Not some, a lot.
We, humans, are different beacuase our capacity to laugh, to make jokes, to mock around anything we want.
We got to choose, as life goes on, our friends, and when I think I just can't regret the friends I've chose, they just make me what I really am, they are me, they make me unique.
Friends who help, who listen and who talk as well.
We need our friends, life without them is boring, is not healthy. We need people who like us, and it is wonderful to be around the ones that you know will stand by you whenever you need, or even if you don't really need.
Fun and friends are essencial.
Sério gente, amigos são foda.
São todos diferentes, e não me importo o quão diferente são.
Mas que, como se vê na foto, passar uma tarde de sábado sentado no chão, com um belo sol, algumas bebidas e, depois, um jogo sensacional chamado Honda, é uma das melhores coisas a se fazer na vida.
é o grau de divertimento.
E por que o kk aponta pro meu saco nessa foto?
A vida, rapeize, é feita de surpresas.
And my love, she, I just wished to be with her, right now, or later, or at any fuckin time.
I feel lost when she's away.
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